Keep Mobile Browsing Safe With Parental Control Apps


The Internet is a vast and wondrous place; there’s plenty of information to learn about such as knowing the depth of the deepest seas and understanding how an airplane works. While the World Wide Web is an excellent resource on just about every topic you can imagine, there are also hidden dangers accessible by just about anyone who has access to the online world, even your kids.

Never Take Your Child’s Security for Granted

Albeit there are many mobile apps to aid in controlling and monitoring a child’s Internet browsing usage, many of these programs require the use of a Web interface to unlock their full potential. Monitoring apps assume the child is using a device to browse the Internet and not the parent. For instance, Mobicip is a monitor app that allows for some light filtering customization. However, for parents to take advantage of the advanced features, then they have to use the Web interface. Some of these advanced functionalities include setting up schedules for how long and when your child can be on the Internet and reviewing weekly reports.

best monitoring software for parents

Filter Your Child’s Social Media Access

The Internet doesn’t solely consist of Google and Wikipedia as there are now websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. One of the primary uses of parental control applications is to filter out sites with inappropriate content. The program achieves this by modifying the existing web browser or by letting children use another dedicated browser with custom preferences.

Social media filtering through the use of monitoring apps play a vital role in keeping the child safe from accessing unwanted and adult content. Parents can choose to block social network apps right at the onset, but dedicated monitoring programs, such as Qustodio and Norton, allow an extra layer of protection. The software includes features such as logging conversations or even blocking questionable contacts from reaching your children.

Exclusive Internet Monitoring Features for Android Devices

Many Android app developers take child online security and safety into account, and many applications let parents block their kids from using certain apps or accessing particular content. Some apps block other apps from being installed on the device, while there are other programs that can only blacklist the use of other software after installation.

A simple solution to block the download and installation of questionable apps from the Google Play Store is only to allow children to install new apps only if they’ve acquired the permission of their parents. Qustodio and Norton, on the other hand, have a better solution than the conventional way of restricting access to children to the Google Play Store.

For instance, Norton and Qustodio have child tracking features to let parents know if the child is somewhere unsafe or if they’re not in school. Qustodio even has a panic button which will send a distress alert to a chosen list of friends or family members to come to the aid of the child.

Remember, even if your child does visit websites with questionable content, it might not be their entire fault in their first place. Instead of suddenly opening up with a fit of rage, keep calm and educate what they’ve been doing and why you’re setting up the parental control for their safety. Mutual understanding is vital to a healthy parent-child relationship.

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