What is mammography and what is it for


Mammography is a non-invasive X-ray examination of the breast that allows you to examine the breast tissue inside it. Like all radiographs , it involves exposing the part under investigation to small doses of ionizing radiation with the aim of detecting any pathological changes 3d mammogram in Fair Lawn.

Typically, two types of mammograms can be done:

Screening mammogram

The screening mammogram is a useful test for women who have no signs or symptoms because it allows to detect early disease still too small to be noticed or perceived only by physical palpation. Therapy success is more likely where diagnosis is timely. An ultrasound is also recommended as a diagnostic complement after mammography only for women with very high mammary gland density (ACR density c / d)

Diagnostic mammography

The diagnostic mammogram is essential when you are having symptoms of breast or when the previous screening mammography were detected anomalies. An ultrasound is also recommended as a diagnostic complement after mammography only for women with very high mammary gland density (ACR density c / d).

When to do a mammogram?

Mammography and ultrasound (or sonography) are two types of tests that are important for the health of our breasts, depending on the age group.

Where there is no risk linked to family history, it is good practice to start performing a monthly self-examination from 20 years of age, also useful for becoming familiar with the structure of your breasts. If any anomalies are found, contact the general practitioner or gynecologist.

From the age of 50 it is advisable to start mammography and repeat it every two years if the patient is not familiar with breast cancer. For patients considered to be at high risk, the frequency is annual.

Mammography or ultrasound?

Mammography is considered the best diagnostic test in the search for breast abnormalities to look for small, clinically silent tumors or to investigate a clinical symptom such as a lump. Mammography, if performed regularly and in centers of expertise, can reduce mortality from breast cancer by 15-20%.

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